Coffee is grown in countries all over the world, however some environments suit the growing of coffee beans more than others.

There are over 50 countries that produce coffee beans, but only a few of them produce enough beans to be held as significant producers.

Where in the world is coffee grown? Major producing countries are Brazil, Colombia, Kenya, Ethiopia, Sumatra, Vietnam, Indonesia, and Honduras. Each country produces its own unique blend of coffee beans that differ in taste.

Brazilian coffees are known for sweet nutty flavours, accompanied with a bittersweet chocolate notes.

Colombia has many flavours – citrus fruits, sweet tropical fruit and nutty notes with aromas of chocolate and cocoa.

Ethiopian coffee has distinct fruity flavours such as blueberry and strawberry. Floral notes such as Bergamot, Roses and Jasmine are also often found.

Guatemalan coffees are known for having mild chocolate flavours aftertaste, with toffee and nutty notes together with tropical fruit flavours.

Common tastes of Honduran coffees are a combination of darker caramel and chocolate notes, along with lighter tropical fruits and berry flavours.

Indian coffee can offer multiple flavours that include notes of cardamom, clove, pepper and nutmeg and perhaps hints of tropical fruit.

They’re usually full or medium bodied, with a citrus-like acidity, and winey. They have a complex taste that is sweet and fruity with hints of berries.

Mexican coffees have chocolate and nutty flavours alongside gentle sweet and fruity aromas.

Peruvian coffees can often be recognised by herbal and sweet fruity aromas, together with flavours of plum, sweet citrus fruits and herbal notes.

The best Sumatran coffees have intense sweet tones of chocolate, and sometimes notes of Liquorice and other spice-based flavours. Sometimes described as syrupy.

A rich, caramel and chocolate flavour, Tanzanina coffee has hints of dark fruits along with lighter floral notes and hints of citrus fruit, coconut, and pineapple.

Vietnam is well known for Robusta coffee with deep and earthy flavours, including nutty, molasses and dark chocolate notes.

lavazza blend for better
Where does the best quality coffee come from?
lavazza blend for better

Each country produces a unique flavour of coffee beans due to differences in environment, such as weather and soil conditions. In countries like Ethiopia or Colombia, coffee is commonly grown at high elevations, upwards of 1800 meters. For example, Brazil produces Arabica and Robusta beans; Colombia produces only Arabica beans, while Uganda grows mostly Robusta beans.

When it comes to producing quality Arabica beans, Brazil has been leading the pack for over 150 years! This country has an ideal climate for growing coffee plants and can produce Arabica and Robusta beans. Coffee from Brazil has a creamy body with subtle chocolate and caramel notes.

Uganda mainly produces Robusta coffee beans with more robust flavours than those produced by other countries because they’re harder to grow but still taste great when appropriately roasted. Uganda mainly produces Robusta coffee beans with a bolder flavour profile than other coffees because they grow at higher altitudes where they’re exposed to more sunlight.

Colombia produces 100% Arabica beans with mild fruity flavours that complement milk or cream nicely when making espresso drinks like cappuccinos or lattes.

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